Smile Alchemy

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You CAN manifest a healthy mind, body, AND smile without missing a beat! We want to create a world where dental care and self-care are synoymous.

It's time to shift away from the mindset of "fixing your teeth", to healing the root cause of persistent oral problems. We want to help strengthen the connection between a beautiful healthy smile and a vibrant life.

For us, satisfaction comes from helping one person at a time to optimize the health and beauty of their smile; and watching the ripple effect that inevitably flows from this revived state. By creating a retreat-like dental experience for our patients, we are able to spend an extended time getting to know each individual, while also getting into a creative flow state where dentistry feels more like art. This allows us to accomplish more in a couple days than would otherwise be done in months or years with single-tooth dental visits. Your dream smile is closer than you think!

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